AI hallucineert niet, AI is een kletskoekmachine

‘The machines are not trying to communicate something they believe or perceive. Their inaccuracy is not due to misperception or hallucination. As we have pointed out, they are not trying to convey information at all. They are bullshitting.’

Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries, Joe Slater: ‘ChatGPT is bullshit’,

Via, Neerlandistiek, Marc van Oostendorp, o.a. over het verschil tussen kletskoek verkopen en liegen. Hij schrijft: “Er is geen verschil voor een chatbot tussen momenten dat het ‘hallucineert’ en momenten dat het dit niet doet: het probeert in alle gevallen alleen maar zo plausibel mogelijke zinnen te maken – zinnen die op dat gegeven moment gezegd kunnen worden.” (D’r is zeker een filosofische boom over op te zetten, maar het politiek-culturele punt, dat te maken heeft met het geloof in AI en het gevaar van kletskoek verkopen, staat).

chatGPT,en,nl,software,ubiscribe | June 26, 2024 | 9:09 | Comments Off on AI hallucineert niet, AI is een kletskoekmachine |

GJP: All-in

Gert-Jan Prins (‘focusses on the sonic and musical qualities of electronic noise and percussion’) just released a new album on bandcamp, All-in. Masterpiece, if you ask me. Very inspiring & makes my heart rejoice. Check it out: Some tracks are perfect for the dance floor after 5 AM :-)

en,music | October 27, 2023 | 18:32 | Comments Off on GJP: All-in |

1011 / 11 / 0.31

Een heel kort ritje, meer tijd had ik niet, maar wilde even de benen rond laten gaan en de blik over het weiland laten gaan.

en | October 12, 2023 | 12:30 | Comments Off on 1011 / 11 / 0.31 |

Now out: Sonic Acts Ecoes 5

The fifth issue of Sonic Acts’ magazine Ecoes is out. It has my interview with Philip Vermeulen in it. It also features Alice Johnston Rougeaux, Anastasia (A) Khodyreva, Annika Kappner, Brackish Collective, Éric La Casa, Hannah Pezzack, Hannah Rowan, Jac Common, Karen Bakker, Katy Lewis Hood, Lucia Dove, Maud Seuntjens, Rita Wong, Stefanie Hessler, Tarek Atoui, Therese Keogh, and Tomoko Sauvage.

Get it here (€7,50 + posting):

en,free publicity,leesvoer,nl,reading matter | June 22, 2023 | 11:53 | Comments Off on Now out: Sonic Acts Ecoes 5 |

Evening of the V2_Archive

Tonight – 22nd of June 2023 – I’m one of the speakers on the Evening of the V2_Archive, at V2_ in Rotterdam:

Here’s the blurb:

At the Evening of the V2_Archive we’ll look at digital archives as dynamic spaces for creative experimentation. How can digital archives inform and inspire artistic practice and even provide raw material for new artworks? At this event we’ll take a closer look at a range of artistic approaches that can uncover new patterns and relationships in the V2_ archive but also offer a fresh perspective on how digital archives can be experienced.

Marijn Bril will take us on a question-driven journey through the online archive, after which Sandra Golubjevaite will lead the audience in a collective ambient browsing experience. Finally, Vera van der Burg will show us how artificial intelligence could radically change how digital archives are used and experienced in the future. V2_’s archivist Arie Altena will introduce the V2_archive, and Katažyna Jankovska will moderate the event.

en,free publicity,research,ubiscribe | June 22, 2023 | 9:44 | Comments Off on Evening of the V2_Archive |

Permanent Vacation

Probably the most influental movie for my generation. (In some sense). I remember seeing it on German television when I was 17 or 18. 1983 or possibly early 1984, unless it was 1982. Permanent Vacation, Jim Jarmusch.

cinema,en,videolog | March 20, 2023 | 12:25 | Comments Off on Permanent Vacation |

0910 / 145 / 6.16

Heerlijk fietsweer op de zaterdag. Zonnetje en ook wat wolken, droog na regen, 20 graden. Kon de hele middag wegblijven en reed toch maar eens naar de Lek en dan – wat ik al heel lang eens wilde doen – het hele stuk langs het kanaal. Veel meewind. De mooie stukken kende ik – behalve Jutphaas, daar was ik nooit eerder. En dan de verkeerde route om Woerden (distributiecentra, industrie), nieuwbouwwijken en een glooiend park (Nieuwegein), en eindeloze stukken over industrieterrein langs distributiecentra (Lage Weide). 100+ zonder noemenswaardige moeite.

en | September 10, 2022 | 22:03 | Comments Off on 0910 / 145 / 6.16 |

0501 / 115 / 4.23

Inishfree Wheelers Spring Classic. A nice day out in the fine rain with the Ballisodare Bay Cycling Club. Nivard had organised a bike for me (thanks to Garys Cycles in Sligo) & inscribed me. Beautiful route, great company, good riding & very well organised by the Innisfree Wheelers. Wish I could do this more often! (En ja, van ons groepje was ik de beste klimmer, maar ik verloor terrein bij iedere afdaling. Flink aanpoten. Snelste tijd – van ons groepje – op de enige echte klim, vanuit Dromahair richting Manorhamilton).

cycling,en,nl | May 6, 2022 | 14:44 | Comments Off on 0501 / 115 / 4.23 |

This is not a glitch

This is not a glitch, this is a concert hall in Saudi Arabia. (Btw, this is what makes watching the Tour of Saudi Arabia worth while.)

cinema,en,videolog | February 4, 2022 | 23:18 | Comments Off on This is not a glitch |

Nikel and the void

Article from the Barents Observer / Novaya Gazeta: (The smelter has been closed already a while ago. Almost none of the intended new projects have come off the ground. They even wanted to develop the Kola Superdeep into a tourist destination. I still love Nikel in a strange sort of way. I’ve been there a couple of times.)

en,leesvoer,reading matter,research | January 29, 2022 | 14:08 | Comments Off on Nikel and the void |
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