
I have been hoping to write this post since about May 2006. I could have written it since last friday. On that day I finally finished the job of updating my xs4all-site, the place where I archive (well…) the texts I’ve written and (mostly) published. Old skool html, unchanged url’s since the very first day (1997, but when?) (The only major changes in all those years have been the adding of a bit of css and a bit of cleaning up).

Don’t expect fancy design, don’t expect proper editorial and/or typographic quality (as often I do not have a digital copy of the text as it is actually printed), don’t expect that these texts are exactly identical to what’s printed! It’s just as good as it gets. I mean: I did not reread those more than 50+ texts that I uploaded. But at least it’s available now. (A-and, I have some sort of an overview of what I did…).

A-and no: I am not going to scan that lot to make pdfs available. But if you feel like doing that: go ahead, and please send me a copy too…

Ah… update (a few minutes later): I checked the wayback-machine, the first entry for my site is the 2nd of december 1998 and I see that at that time the site actually had a bit of design. So a major change was that I got rid of some characteristic 90s-html-design. The page in on states that it was last changed on the 14th of October 1997. A-and, shame to me, I apparently did change file-names at some point. What is now schmidt.html was as1.html. Ah, there goes my story of having ‘persistent’ urls for over 12 years.

O, I’m talking about this site:

Update (one day later): ah, there was one error, and strict browsers did not like to read my html. Corrected now. But do not expect that my html validates 100%.

blogging,writing | June 11, 2009 | 17:00 | Comments Off on Finally…. |


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