Polis is This

There’s a 2007 documentary on Charles Olson in Gloucester that is currently being shown in the US. It’s made by Henry Ferrini, entitled Polis is This, Charles Olson and the Persistance of Place. It’s about Olson, Gloucester and the importance of poetry in everyday life. (I haven’t seen it, but it won a first prize in the 2007 Berkeley Video and Film Festival, and John Malkovich is the narrator). Trailer at the website: http://www.polisisthis.com/Polis/Home.html.

Insightfull review here: http://olsonnow.blogspot.com/2007/08/michael-boughnreview-of-polis-is-this.html

en,free publicity,writing | October 15, 2007 | 17:09 | Comments Off on Polis is This |


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