How media disappear from sight…

In all the houses where I’ve lived in Amsterdam I could always buy a newspaper around the corner. Never more than a 250 meters walk. Now I live in a house from where I can see the big signs De Volkskrant, Het Parool and Trouw at the Wibautstraat, but where I cannot buy a newspaper closer than a 1 kilometer walk away (well, it seems the Amstel Station is the best place…). So I do not run out the door before breakfast to get a newspaper anymore.

I used to listen quite a bit to the radio. Mostly the Concertzender – through cable ( I do not have cable in the new house. Radio now is internetradio, or comes in through an antenna. There’s nothing worthwhile listening coming in over the antenna. (Or not enough to even want me connect the wires a bit better). And when internetradio has to compete on my computer with downloading cd’s from blogs & listening to my own growing archive.

Already since years watching the television for me is reduced to watching cycling. I now have ‘Digitenne’, so no Arte, no ARD and ZDF, no BBC, and watching the television as a ‘leisure activity’ disappears even further from sight (though the reduction makes one remember better when that certain, very rare, programme is on that is worthwhile watching). No videotaping old German-subbed movies in the night anymore. Never anymore this rare occurence of a whole night watching the television.

And yes, I miss watching German television. But that said, I know that what I miss does not exist anymore. I miss the German television of 20 years ago. As F. – not having had television for long – misses a BBC2 that does not really exist anymore, except for a few pockets hidden away in the schedule.

There are alternatives.

Media disappear from sight because of very practical reasons.

en,research,ubiscribe | April 30, 2007 | 12:35 | Comments Off on How media disappear from sight… |


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