Klein rondje in de middag — dus ook nog ‘ns van de Jan van Eyck naar Kanne en terug erbijtellen voor de afstand –. Erg fijn weer, 12 graden, zon, westenwind. En zowaar voorbij Waltwilder stukjes waar ik niet eerder had gereden. Kanne – kanaal – Vroenhoven – Vlijtingen – Rosmeer – Waltwilder – Hoelbeek – kanaal – Gelik – Veldwezelt – Vroenhoven – Muizenberg – Kanne
The Guardian writes, in its editorial intro to the Web 2.0 special: “Everybody sitting at a computer screen, increasingly, wants everything to be all about them. This is our first glimpse of what people who grow up with the net will want from the net. One of the cleverest things about MySpace is the name.”
This has me wondering… On the one hand, all the ‘new’ tools are about sharing, collectiveness, communication. On the other hand, it always puts ourselves in the center.
Everybody sitting behind a computer screen is as egoistic as a writer?
Richard Lanham in 1974: “Prose written without joy can only be read in the same spirit. Given the average quality of American prose, speedreading it out of existence is probably the best thing. So we come to hate the word, and use it still more ineffectively.” From Style, an Anti-Textbook
Ochtendritje, prachtige herfstzon, maar zo tussen 9.40 en 11.00 nog erg koud. Daarna werken. Heerlijk om zomaar op een doordeweekse dag naar les Hauts de Froidmont te kunnen rijden. Kanne – Eben – Halembaye – Froidmont – Houtain St. Simeon – Bassenge – Wonck – Eben – Kanne
With lots of videos online: http://www.freewaves.org/?page=artists#. Nice. Apparently also with some art-videos that were censored by YouTube (Eva Drangsholt, Mike Faulkner).
It’s so nice sometimes to just make something, however simple it is, using old-skool html and some pictures.
This time I made screenshots of the different stages — or maybe different screens (rather than actions) — of writing & publishing a blog post. Respectively Blogger Beta, WordPress, Twoday.net and blogging from Flock.
No Typepad since I immediately erased my account after activating it and checking it out.
Big html-page here (may need refresh to have all the pictures load…): http://www.xs4all.nl/~ariealt/jve/2006_to_blog_small/to_blog.html.
Well, it won’t earn the prize for best design, and probably I should’ve resized the screenshots differently, but still, I like these kind of mosaics.
Project of Ubiscribe co-researcher Tsila Hassine is a sort of image browser: “Tracer is a research tool that archives Google image searches for the purposes of tracking their url, appearance, disappearance and rank.”