Close Encounters

Close Encounters is thet title of the conference where I’ll be speaking for 20 minutes on wednesday 9.00-10.30, in a panel with Tobias van Veen and Trace Reddell. Tobias asked me to propose a paper in the panel that he and Trace Reddell were proposing & we got accepted:

So more than 10 years after my 4-year stint as PhD student at the University of Amsterdam ended, “I’ll be back”. Richer qua experience, being more & widely well-read and with a string of published articles in my bag. But also: not having written anything for an academic magazine ever (hmm, or does writing a review for Krisis count?). Also I have never spoken at an academic conference. I am looking forward to 3 days of listening to papers. I hope I will be able to do some live blogging.

Btw, I will be speaking about blogs & mp3-blogs, memory, hoarding, mixing and the transformation of, well, the culture of enjoying music. (Still have to find the right words, les mots justes).

en,free publicity,research | June 1, 2006 | 11:03 | Comments Off on Close Encounters |


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