3 assignments…

Working on three texts at the moment:

— text for the newsletter of Fonds voor de Letteren about Poëzie op het scherm; which gives me a chance to go into the transformation of poetry (again) and the different form of new media poetry (even leading me back to Marjorie Perloff).

— text for Open on Droombeek, (http://www.droombeek.nl), let’s say ubiquitous localized/locative publishing, story networks, designing a sense of place, and the murmur of history written by many voices (something like that).

— text for Metropolis M about, of all things ‘eCulture’ as it is called in policy-documents and in advices of the Council for Culture; looking at what has been ‘produced’ and done by/thanks to De Waag, V2, Mediamatic, Steim, Montevideo, Doors, Virtueel Platform et cetera. Actually the piece I feel least happy about until now. I still have to find a format in which I can make it work without like just summing up all the ‘great work’ that’s been done, or blabbering on about how ugly the work eCulture is, yet how necessary for policy (that the right word for ‘beleid’?) in terms of getting into perspective… well, et cetera.

en,writing | May 18, 2006 | 18:57 | Comments Off on 3 assignments… |


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