Does this work at all?

3 hours in a train (Maastricht – Amsterdam + delay) gave me the opportunity to — finally — work through the passages in Flusser’s writing that I had indicated by sticking a small yellow post-it on pages. So that’s why there are so many Flusser-posts all of a sudden.

I wonder if i should go about this in another way — like putting the quotations in ‘pages’ instead of making them part of the blog. (And keeping the blog really as a more or less daily record of what I’m up to…)

Probably the right answer to this, from the perspective of ‘how-to-make-a-well-edited-blog’, is “yes, if you dump so much stuff at once, use ‘write page’, not ‘write post’.” (Although, technically speaking there’s no difference between pages and posts).

blogging,en | April 21, 2006 | 15:55 | Comments Off on Does this work at all? |


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