5 minutes after I posted my entry on moving, I receive a comment from which I gather that a spamblog has hijacked/copied my post on an apparently totally new WordPress-spamblog of which I am not going to give the URL to prevent further idiocies…
Why? To install spyware? Have me click? Speaking of total wastes of times that make the world a worse place to live this sort of stuff must be in the top 10.
I was actually going to write that it’s not so bad with the Digitenne single tuner as I thought. I can turn on the timer of the videorecorder and turn off the tevee and still have it record. I just have to make sure the tuner is on & tuned to the right channel. Phhiewww. I’m not as stupid as I thought I was.
Suppose y’all know Openstreetmap: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Main_Page; and maybe you’ve seen the works of Christian Nold? http://www.biomapping.net/index.htm and Daniel Belasco Rogers? http://www.planbperformance.net/dan/index.htm.
Negrophonic generously provides us with a short text of Gregory Whitehead here: http://www.negrophonic.com/2007/mother-radio-cautionary/. There’s a Radio-salon at Mediamatic on the 15th: http://www.mediamatic.net/artefact-14055-en.html, and also a radio-to-go-workshop: http://www.mediamatic.net/artefact-13443-en.html.
But I’m on my way to the McLuhan-conference in Bayreuth: http://mcluhan.uni-bayreuth.de. Hopefully there will be internet-access in the conference-room, if so I’ll do some live-blogging.
Oh well, and thursday you’ll be able to catch a duo-performance of crazy-man Eugene Chadbourne with Kevin Blechdom at OT301: http://www.dnk-amsterdam.com/?dept=AGENDA&article=28.
“Political space has its neutral ground. But does Time? is there such thing as the neutral hour? one that goes neither forward nor back? is that too much to hope?” (ATD, p. 577)
Oorbeek-tribute to Karel Appel, movie made by Maarten Hepp – in 2005 –, now on YouTube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sZQ6AWBlmKoM.
It was a stunning DNK-concert (co-production with PSWAR), last monday at OT301. We’d hoped for a big crowd, we got more than the maximum audience of about 160 to 180 persons. There was no way to fit in more. People were sitting right up to the tables of the musicians and behind them even. About 20 people were standing outside, able to listen, but not see. And they were totally silent. Otomo, Doerner, Sachiko M and Brandlmayr played their music at the lowest possible volume. It was quite an experience.
And then after the break, ‘mayhem’ broke lose when Phô started to play, as if a short-circuit occurred: fireworks. Morten Olsen (by far my favorite drummer, maybe even of all time…), Nicholas Fields (who broke his bass-peddle halfway through) & Bjornar Habbestad on flute + electronics start at the highest possible intensity of playing & stayed there for more than half an hour continuously, without ever, not even for a second, bringing it down.
Yesterday (euh, friday) another great concert at OT301 – this one organized by Colin McLean. The well-known duo of Terrie Ex & Andy Moor kicked off, playing more subtle and more varied than I’d heard ever before. Then the floor was to a freejazz blow-out of Ken Vandermark (http://www.kenvandermark.com/) and Paal Nillson-Love – another stunning drummer from Norway. And a quartet of both duo’s to end. Very nice to hear some “good old-fashioned” freejazz…
And well, monday there’s another interesting night at DNK: http://www.dnk-amsterdam.com/. A double bill of Kapotte Muziek (‘Broken Music”) followed by the Libanese free improv trio of Mazen Kerbaj, Sharif Sehnaoui and Raed Yassin. Mazen Kerbaj is the new director of STEIM and was world famous in ‘the blogoshpere’ last summer during the Israel-Libanon war because of his drawings: http://www.kerbaj.com/ & http://mazenkerblog.blogspot.com/.
http://throat-singing.blogspot.com/index.html is the (very nice) blog of Robert Beahrs – he writes about his travels around the world, researching throat singing. He visited the Jew’s Harp Festival, last summer & saw Koichi Makigami performing with Oorbeek. He calls is a “life changing performance of honest musical dialogue”.
“But the mechanics understood each other. At the end of the summer, it would be these hardheaded tinkers with their lopsided-healed fractures, scars, and singed-off eyebrows, chronically short-tempered before Creation’s irreducible cussedness, who’d come out of these time-traveler’s clambakes with any practical kind of momentum, and when the professors had all gone back to their bookshelves and protégés and intriguings after this or that Latinate token of prestige, it’d be the engineers who’d figure out how to keep in touch, what telegraphers and motor expressmen to trust, not to mention sheriffs who wouldn’t ask too many questions, Italian firework artists who’d come in and cover for them when the townsfolk grew suspicious of night horizons, where to find the discontinued part, the exotic ore, the local utility somewhere on Earth able to generate them current with the exact phase or frequency or sometimes simple purity that would meet their increasingly inscrutable needs.” (ATD, p. 457/8)
[Roswell & Merle in front of a blackboard full of mathematical equations]
“Way I figure, all’s we need to do’s translate this here into hardware, then solder it all up, and we’re in business.”
“Or in trouble”
“By the way, who’s the practical one here and who’s the crazy dreamer, again? I keep forgetting.” (ATD 459)
Not to be missed if you’re living in or around Amsterdam — well worth the travel if you come from a bit further away — next monday, 29th of january a DNK – PSWAR co-production at OT301 a concert with the incredible line-up of:
Yoshihide Otomo – turntables
Sachiko M – electronics
Martin Brandlmayr – drums
Axel Dörner – trumpet
(They’re touring Europe & this is their only peformance in the Netherlands).
(Bjornar Habbestadt, Morten Olsen, Nicholas Fields)
I’m looking forward to a packed OT301. 4 euro’s, 21.30, Overtoom 301.
Check http://www.dnk-amsterdam.com/?dept=AGENDA&article=20.
Blogging at a very low pace – too many things on my head (Dutch: “te veel andere dingen aan mn kop”).
For instance, another Oorbeek-appearance at the Stedelijk – saturday 27th, 16.00 – 18.00 at Radio Rietveld. This is our third Stedelijk-gig: 1. “illegal” roof concert organized by Mediamatic. 2. Mark van Tongeren concert in the (now defunct???) series of modern music. 3. Radio Rietveld. Funny.
Writing takes time. Blogging takes time. My time is taken by packing, unpacking and moving stuff around. Boxes with books, boxes with papers, boxes with stuff. (The paper trail of one’s life). My time is taken by getting used to new things – I started working at V2_ last week. I will be moving house over the next few weeks. Blogging is not on my mind these days.
And then I’m part of the Offline – Online Publishing event at De Balie on the 19th of January: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?articleid=92553&podiumid=media. With Alessandro Ludovico, Simon Worthington and Georg Schollhammer of resp. Neural:http://www.neural.it, Mute: http://www.metamute.org/ and Documenta 12 Magazines.
I will be speaking about Ubiscribe: http://www.ubiscribe.net, the POD we made, and about different time-regimes of editing. (Maybe I’ll use a different term in a weeks time – have to check on the exact significance of ‘regime’ in English, but for now the term is stuck in my mind.)