Literair overleven / literary survival

Working hard to finish a 1000-words reaction on Literair overleven, Dirk van Weeldens plea for ‘aanvallende literatuur’: (Literally ‘offensive literature, but that has a strange connotation that the Dutch ‘aanvallende literatuur’ doesn’t have — what is meant is a progressive, playful, enthousiastic literature, a literature that freely and happily takes up the challenges of this world).

I thought I’d already missed the deadline. So I’m happy it was not too late. As usual my text was still 2500 words long at 21.30. With pain in my heart I just deleted 2 paragraphs in which I mentioned Open API’s and open standards. Down to 1275.


  1. you’re writing this in dutch i assume?

    comment by alex | 1 December 2008 | 16:05 |
  2. Yep, it’s for a Dutch magazine (actually a very ancient one, exists since about 1830 :-)

    comment by Arie Altena | 6 December 2008 | 17:58 |

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