
Reinder Rustema – a.o. ex-Mediamatic, and the former user of the garage-box of my former appartment in return for me reading his NRC, and a very nice person – is a candidate for the European election of June 4th, for the Newropeans, a pro-Europe party:

See also his own website: and blog: — from where you can find the Facebook-stuff too.

He of course is asking if I’d vote for him. We had a few interesting discussions about politics in the past.

I tried the ‘stemwijzer’:
(with all the stupid questions about animals), and guess which party came up first?

The Newropeans.

(still, I think I’ll vote again for the same party I voted for the last 3 or so times.)

But this result is enough reason for me to put in this little effort to make Reinder’s party more known. Take a look at their program, they have good points.

en,free publicity,nl | May 28, 2009 | 23:39 | comments (1) |

1 Comment

  1. Thank you!

    And I apologise for the Newropeans website. My personal website and my blog are better I think. Old school HTML and WordPress aesthetics.


    comment by ReindeR Rustema | 29 May 2009 | 0:51 |

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