iPad? Powerbook!

“One of the most surprising advantages to reading on an iPad is the ability to read without having to hold the book in your hands. After years of wrestling with books which won’t lay down flat at the dining table, it’s been a great pleasure to put my iPad in front of me and only have to use one finger to advance a page. This is also true in bed, where it takes at least two hands (if not three) to read a hardback book-one or two to hold the book and another to turn the page.”

Said Bob Stein. No he didn’t. He said it in 1995 about his Powerbook. From the Feed-archives: http://www.feedmag.com/templates/old_article.php3?a_id=1230

quotations,reading matter,research,ubiscribe | July 27, 2010 | 17:10 | Comments Off on iPad? Powerbook! |


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