Rob van Kranenburg on RFID

Is starting with RFID in China… where they are working on their own frequencies and softwares. His background in literary theory (Rob used to be big into Walter Benjamin for instance), pops up too: a nice quote of McLuhan :-)

Again: stressing that RFID is a very simple technology… 2 Years ago he handed over his RFID report to all Dutch political parties & the only party that voiced interest and asked questions in parliament was the SGP (etremely conservative, orthodox protestant party).

“No more public. No more memory loss. No more people, just data clouds.” We have become fragmented in dataspace. There is no (political) general public with whom to discuss problems around RFID. With total tagging & tracing there will be no memory loss. Ambient intelligence & smart things instead of a laptop plus mouse.

Explains the set-up of an Internet of Things:
RFID – reader – EPC network – PML (physical mark-up-language) – ONS (object name server — built on top of DNS). Hmm: to google a bottle of beer in the Mediamatic fridge from a room in Tokyo.

Problem: convergence to just one company (Verisign) who’s in charge..

But: users have the possibilities to use the system for their own use, if you have a reader…

en,research,software | November 14, 2006 | 13:26 | Comments Off on Rob van Kranenburg on RFID |


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