By 2020 …

“Tech refuseniks will emerge as a cultural group characterized by their choice to live off the network. Some will do this as a benign way to limit information overload, while others will commit acts of violence and terror against technology-inspired change.”

Sez a study by PEW Internet Research:

Also at PEW, the fairly extensive survey of (American) bloggers from last July — often referred to since then: “A national phone survey of bloggers finds that most are focused on describing their personal experiences to a relatively small audience of readers”. What is ‘funny’ though is that quite a few of the respondents stated they use MySpace for blogging, and none WordPress, MoveableType &c.

And just in: a small report on the buzzword web2.0:

blogging,en,research,ubiscribe | October 7, 2006 | 14:17 | Comments Off on By 2020 … |


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