Vriezen, Mettes, Parmentier


Samuel Vriezen on curiosity, ‘Ernstige Muziek’, ‘Muziek van verpozingsaard’ and the BUMA/STEMRA: http://blogger.xs4all.nl/sqv/.

Jeroen Mettes has some good thoughts on electronic poetry: http://n30.nl/2006/05/vertraagde-speculaties-over-zgn.html.

And the newest issue of Parmentier (http://www.literairtijdschriftparmentier.nl/) deals with electronic literature and comes just too late for me. (De Tribune didn’t have it yesterday, and my text is due friday).

en,reading matter,writing | May 24, 2006 | 12:22 | Comments Off on Vriezen, Mettes, Parmentier |


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