Current reading matter

William T. Vollmann, Uncentering the Earth, Copernicus and The Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres. Part of the series in which contemporary novelists write on scientific discoveries. A nice series, though I’d guess from DFW’s booklet on Infinity, better appreciated if one is fan of the novelist, than when searching for a decent book on the scientific subject. Vollmann and Copernicus strike me as an odd couple, if never seen much interest in the Physical Sciences or Astronomy in Vollmanns novels…

David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster. DFW-essays, or the art of the footnote and the art of digressing, extending and folding back into itself. Some already 10 yrs old.

Louis Paul Boon — deel 5 van de Verzamelde Werken, dat wil zeggen, het eerste deel dat is uitgegeven. Met Te oud voor kamperen en Menuet.

en,reading matter | April 3, 2006 | 14:57 | Comments Off on Current reading matter |


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